Sermon Series: Rhythmic Renewal
Sermon – “From Feast to Fast” – Matthew 6:18-20
Adopting the Practices of Jesus
These words may fall deeply into one of the practices we hear Jesus practiced and one we rarely, if ever, do. The truth is, you are not alone.
While we do read stories of Jesus feasting, we also read of him fasting. Our apprenticeship brings us to this practice to reclaim as we seek to become like Jesus.
In Our Culture
We’re more likely to hear about fasting from a fitness guru, wellness expert, or as a Muslim more than we would as followers of Jesus.
We in the West have an unhealthy relationship with food and our bodies and can easily be triggered by body shaming or struggles with eating disorders.
Fasting is a part of every major religion in the world—Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and most indigenous spiritual practices.
Major OT characters had this as a common practice—Moses, David, Samuel, Esther, and the prophets.
By the time of Jesus, it was a common practice for the Jewish people to fast twice a week until sundown.
The Didache—the first Christian writing we have outside the NT, fasting was commanded on Wednesdays and Fridays and for two full days before baptism.
Lent, was originally to recognize the six weeks prior to Easter as a fast where followers of Jesus wouldn’t eat until sundown each day. Ramadan later was based on this practice.
St. Basil the Great once said, “Fasting gives birth to prophets, she strengthens the powerful; fasting makes lawgivers wise. She is a safeguard for the soul, a steadfast companion for the body, a weapon for the brave, and a discipline for champions. Fasting repels temptations and anoints for godliness. She is a companion for sobriety, the crafter of a sound mind. In war she fights bravely, in peace she teaches tranquility.”
Fasting is not abstinence like stepping away from shopping or social media. Those are good things, but that’s not fasting.
There is no set length of time and it’s not a command but encouraged. Fasting as rhythm is a consistent reality. Fasting can be as a response to a national crisis, like an invasion, or sin, grief, or loss. (1 Sam 31, Jonah 3, Esther 4)
We fast to offer ourselves to Jesus.
Matthew & Paul
Jesus’ assumption is that his disciples would fast: “When you…not “if you.”
“The Father will reward you.” That gift is Christ himself.
In Romans we offer our whole selves to Jesus in view of God’s mercy. We offer our bodies, not just our hearts to Christ.
We fast for all sorts of reasons. But this is the primary reason we fast, not to get something from Jesus, but to give something to Jesus—what Paul calls “worship”—our love, affection, and devotion.
Practices, like fasting, prayer, sabbath, and more are how we follow Jesus—how we open our whole person to his grace to be transformed.
(Resources provided by The Bible Project and John Mark Comer)
Discussion Questions
Have you ever done a fast in your life? What did you do and what did you experience?
Why do you think fasting has become pretty non-existent in our Western culture?
What can we learn about our own faith formation and the practice of fasting?
Do we think this practice could benefit our faith formation? Why or why not?
What is the great caution Jesus speaks of in Matthew 6:18? Why does Jesus say this?